Author Guideline

RIAL serves as a mentoring journal to guide the novice and experienced authors through the publishing process. Our editorial team and reviewers are committed to provide a mentorship for all authors in revising, developing, and polishing the manuscripts until they are publishable. First, the editorial team will examine the submitted manuscript immediately to see if it meets the journal requirements for publication. Second, the manuscript will be sent out for the blind reviews (two independent reviewers) and the communication between the authors and reviewers will be facilitated by the editorial team. It aims to facilitate academic interaction and communication between the authors and the reviewers. Third, on acceptance of the manuscript and approval from the editorial team, the manuscript will continue to the production stage that includes proofreading, copyediting, styling, and reference synchronization.

First authors may only submit one paper per issue to RIAL-EJ. After getting one article accepted by reviewers, the author might then submit another manuscript.

Research Article

Description Research articles generally consist of the following components: a title and abstract, an introduction, literature review, a methodology, results/ findings, discussion, and references. The length of the manuscript is between 5000 and 8000 words (including references, tables, and figures). We welcome the qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research articles.

Use and consult your manuscript with the research article template

Abstract The abstract should not exceed 200 words in length. It must include the topic, purpose, scope, method, results, and implication of the study.
Tables and Figures If you use tables and figure in your manuscript, please refer to APA 7th Edition. Klik here
References The references should meet APA 7th Edition standard
Plagiarism Check The manuscript should go through plagiarism check using iThenticate or Turnitin before submission. The plagiarism check results must be below 15% (overall).


Review/Perspective Article

Description The length of the review article should be between 3000 to 5000 words.

Use and consult your manuscript with the review article template

Abstract The abstract should not exceed 200 words in length.It must be comprehensive and informative.
Tables and Figures If you use tables and figure in your manuscript, please refer to APA 7th Edition. Klik here
References The references should meet APA 7th Edition standard
Plagiarism Check The manuscript should go through plagiarism check using iThenticate or Turnitin before submission. The plagiarism check results must be below 15% (overall).