Analysis of The Influence of CNC Milling Macro Programs and Sub-programs Mazak on The Effectiveness Manufacturing Cover of Pressure Cylinder Using CAM


  • Muh. Nurul Haq Amaluddin Politeknik ATI Makassar
  • Ridwan Jamaludin Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Al Mahdali Politeknik ATI Makassar



CNC Macro Program, CNC Milling Sub-program, NC Program Effectiveness, Cover of Pressure Cylinder, CAM


CNC machines allow computer programming to control the movement and actions of the machine, enabling more precise and repeatable production. However, in operating a CNC machine, good and efficient programming is essential. To optimize the use of CNC machines, it is necessary to optimize the number of NC program blocks that include the concept of macros and sub-programs. An effective CNC program, along with the proper use of macros and sub-programs, can speed up the production process, reduce human error, and increase accuracy. The research method used is comparative research by comparing using macro programs and manual programming, in this case comparing the number of solid trajectories and the number of program lines in the design using the simulation method using the Autodesk Fusion 360 application. So that the optimal number of movements will be obtained through the row value in the NC program. Macros and sub- programs allow users to easily change or modify CNC programs without having to rewrite the entire program. This increases flexibility in producing various types of products. It is concluded that optimization using macro and sub-programs provides a significant reduction in the number of program blocks in the case of the machining process for manufacturing the cover of pressure cylinder. This reduction in program blocks can help improve efficiency and sustainability in the development of modified machining processes.


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