The Effect of Settler Type Variation on the Content and Level of Metoxycarbonyl Pectin Group on Carrot Bulbs (Daucus carota)
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The effect of variations in the type of settler on the level and content of the methoxycarbonyl pectin group on carrot bulbs (Daucus carota) has been investigated. This study aims to determine variations in the type of precipitant on the levels of pectin and the content of methoxycarbonyl pectin group in carrot bulbs. Sample preparation was carried out by talking carrot bulbs juice and followed by extraction of pectin from carrot bulb meat. Extraction was carried out with variations in the type of precipitant namely ethanol, acetone, and isopropanol. Analysis of the methoxycarbonyl pectin group in carrot bulbs was carried out by hydrolysis of methyl esters and acid-base titration with NaOH acting as a titrant.Quantitative data analysis technique is performed based on the calculation of the yield produced. The levels of pectin obtained by variations in the type of precipitant were acetone at 4.63%, ethanol at 5.86%, and isopropanol at 6.2%. while the content of the methoxycarbonyl pectin group with ethanol depositor was 0.615%, isopropanol by 1.07%, and acetone by 1.35%. The largest pectin content is produced by isopropanoldeposition, while acetone produces the largest methoxycarbonyl pectin group content.Keywords : pectin, methoxycarbonyl, extraction, titration, ethanol, acetone, isopropanol
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Jurusan Teknik Kimia PNUP
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM.10 Tamalanrea
Makassar 90245