Plucker Machine Design on Halal Mobile Poultry Slaughterhouse (MPSH) Prototype

Dhimas Satria, Dwinanto Dwinanto, Mekro Permana Pinem, Muhammad Iman Santoso, Intan Nazwa


Mobile Poultry Slaughterhouse Halal (MPSH) is a mobile facility designed to carry out the process of slaughtering chickens in accordance with halal principles in the Islamic religion. Making a prototype of this tool aims to test the functionality of a system or product. The machine development designed in this research uses a drive (transmission) as a combination of pulley and v-belt. The reason for using a drive system as a pulley and v-belt is that it feels easier and more efficient in the work process. This research aims to analyze the calculation of pulley and v-belt sizes suitable for the plucker machine that was developed. This research uses an experimental design method, namely carrying out measurements, observations, and calculations of the technical specifications of the machine, then analyzing the data to obtain an idea of the machine's performance, which ultimately can provide an idea of the suitability of the machine. The research results obtained: (1) pulley sizes 100 mm and 175 mm in diameter, made from ST37 steel. (2) Required v-belt length = 1,253.95 mm. (3) V-belt axis distance = 426.25 mm. (4) The circumferential speed of the driving pulley vP = 10.99 m/s. (5) The circumferential force that arises Frate = 111.37 N. (6) The number of belts used is 1 belt.


MPSH, Prototype, Plucker Machine

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