The objective of this research is to know the characteristic of AC-BASE mixture using nickel slag as a materialof rock ash substitution with variation 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, and optimum asphalt content. The method usedis experimentation in laboratory through mix design, making test object and Marshall test. The results of the research onthe characteristics of AC-BASE mixture using nickel slag as a material of ash substitution with 25%, 50%, 75% and100% variations obtained by the maximum stability value, in the substitution of 25% slag nickel by 1398.34 kg, themaximum value of flow, on the substitution of 25% nickel slag substitution of 3.16 mm, the maximum value of VIM,obtained at a substitution of 100% nickel slag substitution with a value of 6.611%, the maximum value of VMA, isobtained on a 100% nickel slag substitution variation of 18.691%, the maximum value of VFB, variation of 25% nickelslag substitution of 79.982%, maximum value of Marshall coefficient, obtained on variation of 25% slag nickelsubstitution of 442.51 kg / mm. Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) is suitable for use in pavement layer mixture that is5.60%.Referensi
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