Edisi 2 Tahun 2023


Capacitor Bank
Drop Voltage
ETAP 16.0.0
Power Factor
Power Quality.


The Turikale Feeder, supplied by GI Maros, has a total line length of approximately 54.2 km, a load of 4-8 MVA, and a current of 120-200 A. However, one obstacle faced by the Turikale Feeder distribution is the voltage at the receiving end, which falls outside the tolerance limit set by PLN. The PLN voltage tolerance limit is a maximum of +5% and a minimum of -10% of the nominal voltage. The output medium voltage value of the GI Maros power transformer is recorded at 20.147 kV, but calculations show that there are values below 19 kV, which does not meet PLN standards. To address this issue, there are plans to increase the power factor to 0.95 by installing three capacitors with a rating of 400 kVAR in the 20kV medium voltage network. The research aims to simulate the Turikale distribution network of PT PLN (Persero) ULP Maros and analyze the impact of capacitor bank placement on power quality parameters such as losses, voltage profile, power factor, reactive power, apparent power, and active power of the repeater. The data used in the study includes line data, distribution substation data, transformer capacity, load capacity, and substation voltages obtained from PT PLN (Persero) ULP Maros through observation techniques.Based on the results of research in the form of simulations in ETAP 16.0.0, it can be seen that there is a reduction in power for each reactive power of 847.043 kVAR and active power of 31.52 kW. Meanwhile, active power losses decreased by 49,511 kW and reactive power by 76,793 kVAR. Meanwhile, the average voltage drop was reduced from the initial 3.84% to 0.21%. The power factor value before placement was around 0.8363 and after placement it was 0.962. 


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