Implementation of the North West Corner Rule and Loop Construction Method to Minimize Material Distribution Cost on Ameroro Dam Access Road Project (Package II)

Suriati Abd. Muin, Watono Watono, Ishak Gani, Aulia Muhammad, Sudarmawanty Sudarmawanty


Construction projects consist of several work items and require resources to achieve the success of project work including materials and costs. The material required in large quantities in the implementation cannot always be fulfilled by one material source alone, therefore several material sources are needed so that the material demand needs can be met. Especially if it consists of several project locations and must be fulfilled by several material sources. This study aims to minimize the distribution cost of class A LPA material from the source of material collection, namely in Konaweha, Pondidaha and Moramo to the Ameroro Dam Access Road project site (Package II), namely the Entrance to the Dam Segment 1, Segment 2 and Segment 3. The results obtained by implementing the North West Corner Rule and Loop Construction methods can minimize the cost of material distribution from the initial solution of Rp. 1,887,700,000, - to Rp. 1,849,500,000, - so that the difference in cost reduction is Rp. 38,200,000, - with a minimum cost percentage of 2.02%.

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