Design of Experiments (Doe) on Suspension Test Equipment of One Part Of A Vehicle Wheel Using The Taguchi Method

Christof Geraldi Simon, Formanto Paliling, Risa Lasarus, Lery Alfriany Salo, Frans Robert Bethony, Simon ka’ka


Suspension is the most important thing that must be taken into account because it greatly affects driving comfort on the road. The working mechanism of the suspension consisting of spiral springs and shock absorbers is loaded vertically from the weight of the body, driver, and passengers. The uneven shape of the road surface in the form of potholes or bumps will greatly affect the comfort of the driver. This study aims to determine the effect of suspension work and the optimal value of vibration that occurs on one of the wheels of the vehicle against vertical dynamic loads. The method used in this study uses the Taguchi method which is used to determine the optimum dynamic load conditions against vibration in the suspension system.   The characteristics used in this method are "Smaller is better". Several variables such as bump height, tire pressure on the wheels, as well as vehicle body weight and passenger weight are necessary factors to calculate optimal dynamic load conditions against vibration in the suspension. Based on the results of the optimum value conditions obtained, namely the height of the mound of 5 cm, tire pressure of 32 Psi, load of 84 kg, and dynamic load of 71 kg. From the results of the contribution rate to the ANOVA obtained, factor A (bump height) and factor D (dynamic load) are significant factors while factor B (tire pressure) and factor C (load load) are insignificant factors. Under optimal conditions, there was a decrease in suspension vibration value by 49.65%.


optimization, simulation, vibration, suspension, pneumatic actuator

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