Performance Test Of Myristica Fragrans Dryer Using A Heat System On An Electric Stove

Festo Andre Hardinsi, Muh. Subhan, Osmar Buntu Lobo


Fakfak Regency is one of the regencies of West Papua province located in Indonesia. Fakfak Regency is also known as an abundant producer of myristica fragrans and seeds so that Fakfak City is often dubbed as the city of myristica fragrans. However, there is a problem that often occurs in myristica fragrans farmers, namely the occurrence of aflatoxin attacks.  One way to deal with aflatoxin attacks caused by fungi and Aspergillus flavus is to dry myristica fragrans seeds.  The goal to be achieved in this study is to determine the relationship between the drying time of myristica fragrans seeds with the amount of moisture content using a blower on an electric stove. As well as to find out the analysis of moisture content tests based on SNI standards from the results of drying myristica fragrans seeds using a blower on an electric stove. The method used in this study is the design of a myristica fragrans seed dryer using an electric stove. This design uses an electric stove as a drying heat source and uses a blower to suck the heat temperature from the electric stove. The results of this study are The relationship between drying time and moisture content in myristica fragrans drying equipment using an electric stove is y = -3.2034x + 44.795 with R2 = 0.9463. Based on SNI standard 01-0006-1993, the appropriate moisture content value in a myristica fragrans seed dryer using an electric stove is, within 10 hours a moisture content value of 9.77% is obtained and within 13 hours a moisture content value of 6.28% is obtained


aflatoxin, myristica fragrans, Drying, moisture content.

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