IoT-Based Hydroponic Plant Monitoring and Control System to Maintain Plant Fertility


  • Meida Cahyo Untoro
  • Fathan Rizki Hidayah



Hydroponics, Fuzzy Mamdani, Water PH, Water Nutrition, IoT


Hydroponics is a method of cultivating plants by utilizing a small amount of land without using soil media. Hydroponic cultivation is still done conventionally in monitoring and controlling nutrients and pH of the air. Hydroponics is already with Internet of Things (IoT) technology in the cultivation process. The research aims to use IoT technology by developing control devices and monitoring hydroponic plants remotely, to make it easier for cultivators to control and monitor plant color, temperature, nutrients and the pH value of hydroponic plant water. Control and monitoring can be done through a smartphone application. The data from testing the condition of hydroponic plants obtained an average error of 1.8% for air temperature, 4.8% for water pH, 6.6% for plant color and 7% for water nutrients. Hydroponic plants with the TCS3200 sensor get a monitoring opportunity of 53.3%. Testing of tool control related to nutritional improvement has been carried out using the fuzzy Mamdani method with an increase in the probability of 88.75% for adding nutritional value and 0% for decreasing nutritional value. Tool control for improving the pH value of hydroponic plant water has been successfully carried out.


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