The purpose of this research is to know the quality of kalosi coffee, marketing system, problems and efforts toimprove the quality and marketing system of kalosi coffee. Benefit of this research as guidelines of evaluation andimprovement of quality and marketing system of kalosi coffee.The location of this research is in Enrekang, Parepare andMakassar. This type of research is quantitative and qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are quality trials,interviews and observations. The method of analysis is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The resultsshow that the best aroma, taste and quality coffee is Toraja arabica excellent coffee followed by special arabica coffee,Mantap blend special coffee, robusta special coffee and lowest is kapal api coffee. The three types of kalosi coffee,special arabica coffee is good, mantap blend special coffee is good and special robusta coffee is quite good. Themarketing system shows that the selling price of Arabica special coffee is very cheap, mantap special blend coffee cheapand robusta coffee is correct (not cheap and not expensive). Promotions made only personal selling, direct distributiononly to consumers who come to buy at production sites and indirect distribution only through some café. The problemsthat occur special arabica coffee quality is still lower than expectation, the price of Arabica coffee coffee is very cheapand mantap special blend is cheap, the promotion is still very less and the distribution is still very less. Efforts that needto be done are improvements of production process, increase the special arabica coffee prices and mantap blend specialcoffee, promotions through advertising and distribution through stores, supermarkets and hold agents.Referensi
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