This study aims to improve the quality of st 40 carbon steel, as to be achieved that is resistant to wear resistanceand corrosion rate resistance to sea water. Then the selected material st 40 is included in the low carbon steel category,the specimen to be tested is 25 mm x 150 mm in diameter and the specimen number is five pieces per cooling medium.In order to produce a uniform heating, a specimen auxiliary tool is provided and the device can rotate so that theoxygenated acetylene flame is evenly distributed to the body of each media variety specimen (Air, Water, Air Salt, Oil,Charcoal, Furnace) coolant with a temperature of 700 C0. The results achieved from this flame hardening for air cooling= 131.1 HB; water = 135.84HB; brine = 135.37 HB; oli sae 90 = 127,86 HB; charcoal = 120.176 HB; furnace = 99.73HB; st 40 = 115.42. Surface heating was subjected to surface hardness testing at the mechanical engineering laboratoryof the Brinell method PNUP, performed prior to treatment and after treatment.Referensi
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