The purpose of this study is to investigate the required time to process the seaweed soap material into a solidsoap, and the overall time needed since the initial process until the forming of the seaweed soap. The designimplementation is experimentally conducted by rotating the round shaft in three different kinds of rotation, which are125 rpm, 150 rpm, and 175 rpm. The volume of processed seaweed soap material is 1500 ml. Time or duration ofstirring is 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes. In regard to the two research variables for the machine performanceof seaweed-based soap, the optimal result of soap processing can be obtained by optimizing variables. The result showsthat at 150 rpm rotation in 120 minutes duration, the seaweed soap processing machine produces proper mixing betweenadditives and seaweed materials and able to create 50 bars of soap and each bar weight is 40 grams. In this study, thecost of manufacturing the seaweed soap processing machine can also be calculated with a nominal Rp. 3.600.000, -. Themachine components are SS 304 and St 37 steel materials equipped with standard components such as spiral shafts,bearings, electric motors and electric stoves. Hopefully, the findings of this research could be a reference for themanufacture of seaweed soap processing machines and the development of seaweed utilization.Referensi
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