The research aims to increase the students’writing ability by implementing Think Pair Share learning model. Themodel was choosen because theoretically, the learning in the classroom would be more productive and meaningful since itcould increase the effectiveness of the students’ writing in the classroom. The method used in this research is aclassroom action research. There are 20 Civil Engineering Departement students from Civil Construction Engineeringstudy program of the period 2016/2017 which were elected purposively as the subjects of the research. Theprocedures in applying the action consist of 2 cycles with 4 components for each cycle they are; planning, conductingaction, observation, and reflection. The finding shows think pair share model is able to improve the students’achievement of writing descriptive text. There is a significant increasing achievement of writing skill by the the students.The result in cycle 1 shows that there are 11 students who got score under the score of 75 where 75 is the minimumstandard score and the average score is 69,35. The cycle 2 shows that there is an increasing at the average score becomes75,75. It means that the students’ achievement of writing skill increase 6,4 %.Referensi
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