Irrigation infrastructure is a major supporting factor in improving the welfare of farmers, especially through theagricultural sector. This can be achieved if the irrigation infrastructure works optimally. The physical condition of theinfrastructure must be maintained so that the functional optimization can be maintained. In meeting the water needs forvarious farming purposes, water capacity for irrigation should be given in the right amount, time, and quality, if it is not metthen the plant will be disrupted growth which in turn will affect agricultural production. The long-term objective of thisresearch is expected to produce a performance assessment as a reference in order to optimize the irrigation infrastructurethrough improvement / rehabilitation activities. Therefore the short term objective in this research is how to generateinformation how to determine the parameters of the damage of the identification result in the field and provide informationabout the irrigation network problems from the identification of groundwater irrigation network problem. By knowing theresults of this research is expected to produce data and information to formulate policy (in this case local government orrelated department) in arranging irrigation and environmental network that have direct impact to local community. Thisresearch method begins with survey and field observation conducted by groundwater irrigation network in Gowa regency.Then search along ground water channels and mark any damage using GPS. Recording and taking photos as researchdocumentation at every point of damage. Measurement of damage dimension, primary data collection and secondary dataand data processing. Data processing here is the process of processing the data, so that the existing data is ready entered intothe assessment form.Referensi
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