The problem that happened to the Bumi Tamalanrea Permai (BTP) Makassar community is the increasing ofsubscribers, making the lack of clean water supply by clean water distribution service, so that people have shortage ofclean water either in rainy season or drought. The objective of the study is to analyze the large water needs and budgetplan required in the manufacture of sedimentary sediment ponds for water supply for Bumi Tamalanrea Permai (BTP)Makassar. The benefit of research for stakeholders is with the success of this research, so with the sedimentary filterpond, the problem of clean water crisis in the Bumi Tamalanrea Permai (BTP) can be overcome. Tests were conductedexperimentally in the laboratory by measuring the turbidity of water taken from the tributaries in the BTP, usingsedimentary sieve ponds with variable gradation of sand and gradation of crushed stone. Furthermore, the calculation ofpopulation number 2015-2020, the need for clean water, sediment pond sediment design that was used to calculateBudget Plan Costs. Based on the results of research and calculations, it is obtained the results of turbidity water downfrom 29.7 NTU to 1.3 NTU. The number of residents in 2015-2020 amounted to 85,824 people, the need for clean waterdebit is 3,5 lt/sec or 12.6 m3/hour, budget plan needed to build sediment pond sediment installation is Rp.1,028,442,000.Referensi
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