An investigation has been conducted on the effect of the use of organic solvents of acetic acid, and ethanolwateron the characteristics of edible film chitosan from Tiger shrimp. Edible film is making with 1% acetic acid solventand ethanol-water addition of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20%. The resulting were analyzed by physicochemical properties of densitiesfilm; mechanical analysis of elongation and tensile strength test; and thermal analysis of heat resistance. The result ofthis research is Deacetylation Degree (DD) of chitosan from tiger shrimp shell is 90,9% while chitosan of comparative(crab chitosan) is 95,05%, with the viscosity is 41.2 cP. The edible film obtained generally has low density and highsolubility. Film density varies between 0.2469 - 0.8993 g/cm3 depending on the concentration of chitosan solution. Themechanical properties of films using 1% acetic acid solvent in the water-ethanol solution has a higher tensile strengththan film without the addition of ethanol-water. The most optimum heat resistance is 125.17oC for edible film from tigershrimp chitosan, and 135.08oC for edible film from commercial chitosan (crab chitosan).Referensi
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