The home yard has the potential for the fulfillment of large nutrients and the reduction of the cost of living for poorfamilies. The condition of the land and the limitations of knowledge and life skills of the family in Sub-district KuloSidenreng Rappang become the limiting factor of the utilization of the home yard. To overcome this limitation,community service is implemented through the Community Service - Learning and Community Empowerment Program(KKN-PPM) knowledge and skills of poor families on organic and hydroponic fertilizer systems. In order to achievethese objectives, KKN-PPM has activities with methods of training, demonstration and assistance. As a pilot program,activities have been realized, namely: 1) improving community knowledge and skills for fertilizer, and vegetablecultivation of hydroponic systems; and 2) the fulfillment of some vegetable needs through optimization of pageutilization. If these activities are sustainable and growing, more energetic living conditions are needed to meet the needsof plant foods in the poor.Referensi
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Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Kebijakan Percepatan Penganeka-ragaman
Konsumsi Pangan Berbasis Sumber Daya Lokal.