Sea morphological sponge searches that potentially degrade contaminated wastes Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAH) are important to aim to identify earlier physical features of marine sponge types that potentially reduce thetoxicity of PAH. Previous research has shown that a special type of marine sponge marker that may be symbiotic withmicroorganisms capable of producing enzymes for degradation of PAH, whose body structure contains mucus or itsbody is protected by a black layer such as mud embodied as mucus. Sponge identification method is done by noting thespecial sign (color, texture, shape, size and depth of sampling). Then sequentially the sponge morphology identificationfollowed the guidebook. The results of the analysis of four types of sponges, found that the sponge Petrosia(Strongylophora) corticata (Sp 1) in the body there is mucus and Niphates sp (Sp 2) along the surface found a blacklayer of textured mucus. The structure indicates that the two potential sponges form a symbiont with certain types ofbacteria that can destabilize the PAH benzene ring, so that the PAH toxicity level decreases. Hyrtios erectus (Sp3) andClathria (Thalysias) reinwardti (Sp 4) sponges, both of which do not potentially contain bacterial symbionts that canreduce the toxicity of PAH.Referensi
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