
  • Zulmanwardi Zulmanwardi
  • Abigael Todingbua
  • Muhammad Saleh


Biodegradable plastic will be completely destroyed by microorganisms. One type of starch-patian which began tobe developed as plastic raw materials biodegradabel is starch from tubers of Uwi (deoscorea alata). The purpose of thisresearch is to 1) determine the optimum conditions) the concentration of the solvent acetone; 2) determine the optimumcondition) volume of plasticizers; 3) Looking for plasticizers best between glycerol with sorbitol; 4) heat endurance;tensile strength; and test period explained or biodegradabilitas plastic biodrgradabel. Plastic manufacturing processbiodegradabel method this is a tuber starch dissolved in acetone solvent in the starch from tubers of Uwi with thevariation of the solvent concentration: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, then added glycerol or sorbitol (plastisers) with variations:2 ml, 3 ml, 4, and 5 ml. Next the mixture poured into a mold (casting), and then silenced during 2-3 days at roomtemperature and pressure until the plastic film is formed. The results showed that the optimum conditions: concentrationof the solvent acetone is 5%, type plasticizers best is sorbitol with volume 3 ml. Test results the characteristics of plasticfilm biodegradabel, i.e. the value of the highest tensile strength is 5.5109 N/mm2, with powerful plastic 20.64%. Periodexplained biodegradability for the variation of the fastest is 12 days, and the maximum heat resistance in may at atemperature of 140 0C. Biodegradable plastic quality is determined by the parameters: heat resistance, take apart(biodegrability), and strong pull.


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