This study aims to prove empirically the influence between the use of the internet, the ability of individualsand subjective norms on the achievement of accounting students at State Universities in Makassar in lectures to supportthe GPA. This research uses TAM model (technologi acceptance model) as the basic model of research by combining itwith construct in Theory planned behavior (TPB) to perfect the TAM model. Population in the study of all accountingstudents S1 at the State University in Makassar. Sampling with non-probability method is quota sampling. The dataobtained by spreading the questionnaire were 200 equally, each of 50 questionnaires. After the data collected thenanalyzed by statistical calculation using SPSS. The results prove that: First, the maximum utilization of the internet bystudents can improve student achievement. Second, the ability of students in the use of information technology cansmooth the learning process so as to improve student achievement. Finally, subjective norms in the form of studentconfidence in the source of information obtained from the internet can affect student pretasi.References
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