This study aims to determine the relationship of value between the capital market (capital market) and money market(money market) which are both financial markets. It is expected that this research will give an idea of the effect of everyavailable information, in this case the factors that exist in money market include interest rate, exchange rate and inflationto stock returns in Indonesia Stock Exchange seen from Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) . This research method isdone by testing F effect on independent and dependent variable. The population of this study are all companies listed onthe Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample selection was done by purposive sampling, the company registered inJanuary 2014 until December 2016. The result of the research shows that the three money market variables studied in2014 to 2016 have an insignificant effect on capital market in Indonesia. This indicates that the risk of investing inIndonesia's capital market is not significantly sourced from the money market.References
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