
  • Mahyati Mahyati


The xylan content of corn cobs reaches 12.4 - 12.9% which can be converted to xylitol [1]. Xylitol productssignificantly reduced the population of Streptococcus mutans in saliva compared with fluoride [2]. The objective of thisstudy was to convert xylan from corncob waste into xylitol as an additive in wuluh belimbing jelly. Xylan corn cob isfermented using Candida tropicalis. Furthermore xylitol from corncob tested the effectivity of antibacterialStreptococcus mutans grown in oral cavity that can damage enamel on tooth. The xylitol extraction method of corncobusing aqueous sulfuric acid is 0.25; 0.5; 0.75 and 1.0%. The extraction time was then varied from 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and90 min. The results showed xylitol compound from corn tuna waste was highest at 0.25% sulfuric acid concentrationwith 30 minutes hydrolysis time of 249.7 ppm and the lowest at acid concentration 0.75% and hydrolysis time of 90minutes ie 5.6 ppm . The results showed xylitol compounds from corncob waste that all xylitol concentrations showed anegative sign.


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Mahyati, 2017, Uji Daya Hambat Senyawa Xylitol Dari Limbah Tongkol Jagung Pada Bakteri Streptococcus

Mutans , Journal Intek edisi Oktober 2017




