Rahmiah Sjafruddin, Lasire Lasire


Biogas is an alternative fuel that is environmentally friendly and can be produced using raw materials from solid or
liquid waste containing organic compounds. The raw material for making biogas in this study is to use raw materials
for the refined sugar industry’s liquid waste with the aim that the industrial liquid waste can be optimized for its
utilization so that it does not become a pollutant for the environment and can produce renewable energy and become
alternative fuels for industries and household. In long term, it is also hoped that the result of this fuel can be converted
into electrical energi. Along with that the results of this research are expected to establish cooperative relations with the
industrial world regarding the processing of liquid waste. The research strategy was carried out by acclimatizing the
starter of refined sugar liquid waste (70%) with cow dung (30%) for 21 days. Acclimatization for 21 days gives a biogas
flame in blue and stable condition. The next process is the feed process (in this step the bait is liquid waste) with
variation of 0.5 L and 1,5 L in a semi-continuous biodigester with a capacityof 20 L with an operating volume of 16 L.
The purpose of this study was (1) to determine the effect of bait composition (0,5 L/day, 1 L/day, 1,5 L/day) refined
sugar industry waste water on biogas production with good methane gas content (flame test). (2) Determinethe optimum
time to produce steady state condition for biogas production with good methane gas (blue flame). The result of the
research on the feed process, the production of biogas are increased but the methane gas formed decreased (dead flame).
Biogas on feed substrate 0,5 L and 1 L produce biogas with bluef lame until 5th feed (day 30) and feed volume 1,5 L
produces blue flame until 4th feed (day 28).

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