Abdul Salam, Muhammad Iswar


The purpose of this study is to improve the quality of mixing animal feed ingredients into more evenly distributed and
more efficient mixing time of animal feed ingredients so that quality animal feed can be obtained in a relatively shorter
time compared to the mixing process which is done manually or by using a mixing machine that ever made before.
The design method used is experimental research, by testing the stirring shaft rotation of 3 (kinds), namely 55 rpm, 70
rpm, and 85 rpm. The volume of stirred animal feed material is 15, 16, and 17 kg with stirring time, which is 4 minutes, 5
minutes and 6 minutes. From the three types of rotation variables and length of stirring time, the performance of a mixing
machine for animal feed ingredients obtained an optimization value of the process of mixing animal feed ingredients
which gave the most optimal mixing results for the range of data studied.
The results obtained showed that at 70 rpm with a duration of 5 minutes, the process of mixing animal feed ingredients as
much as 16 kg or a production capacity of 192 kg / hour was evenly mixed. This can be used as a reference source for
mixing machines for animal feed. While the calculation of manufacturing costs for making 1 (one) unit mixing machine
for animal feed ingredients is Rp. 6,784,210, -

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