Nur Alam La Nafie, Abdul Hamid


The purpose of this research is to describe the process of entrepreneurship learning implemented in State
Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang. The research result will be considered as the basis for developing the new model for
entrepreneurship learning. In this research, data was collected by spreading questioner to students who have learned
entrepreneurship and interviewing lecturers who have been teaching entrepreneurship. The research result shows that the
entrepreneurial learning model implemented did not provide optimal benefit to students especially in terms of students’
entrepreneurial behavior and spirit, skills in making decision, and readiness to be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial
characteristics such as innovative, creative, and risk-taking, were not achieved as impacts of entrepreneurship learning.
It is suggested to develop learning model for entrepreneurship subject which focus more on involving students in active,
innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning in order to provide entrepreneurial spirit and characteristics to students.

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