Tamrin Tamrin, Afdaliah Afdaliah, Syamsinar Syamsinar


Speaking ability of accounting students is weak. This research aims at producing instructional model to increase
speaking ability at good users level (IELTS version) for accounting students at higher educatios in Makassar. The
method used was Research and Development (R&D) which consists of ten steps where in this research has been done up
until five steps. Descriptive-quantitative analytical using statistical tool to measure the achievement was Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA).The findings were that limited post-test 1 with score 59, 64, limited post-test 2 with score 73, 43
and limited post-test 3 with score 81,00 showed that the instructional model of speaking ability by using basic
accounting topics significantly influenced towards the increase of English speaking ability of students. Syntax consists
of before speaking: (1) activation stage, (2) engagement stage: speaking English (3) consolidation stage, (4) after
speaking English: Evaluation stage. This model will be widely assessed in the coming steps. (wider assessment step,
validation and dissemination for accounting students at higher eductions in Makassar will be proposed to be conducted
in the second year).

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