Nurlina Subair, Risma Haris


The main problem of a metropolitan city are the lack of green open spaces availability. Green open space is a city
planning strategy in improving the impact on environmental damage due to imbalance between the needs of the
population of the environment carrying capacity. This research presents about community participation in Makassar city
government program "Garden Lorong" as a form of management of green open space in alley or lorong integrated with
urban agriculture . The purpose of this study is to describe the community participation in the management of green
open space as an urban agriculture. This research uses descriptive research type of qualitative approach . The research
focus used is the strategy, form and procedure of urban community participation in Bongaya Village, sub district
tamalate, Makassar city. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation. Based on the results
of research conducted it can be seen that the community is very enthusiastic cleaning the gang or lorong and make it
green. All the people come down to do work together . Thus , the conclusion that community participation in the
management of green open space as an urban agriculture in the Bongaya no longer is no passive, but play an active role
in organizing and maintaining green open space in the "garden lorong". The form of community role is defined as the
active participation in the community in spatial planning, and control of space utilization.

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