Muhammad Islah Idrus, Andi Gunawan


This study aims to determine the behavior of traders who sell in traditional markets Kalimbu Makassar.The research
method used is qualitative with phenomenology approach by using the analysis of interview with some market traders as
informant of this research. The results of this study indicate the behavior of traders in the market Kalimbu divided into
two models of traders that traders who have settled for generations and traders who are just renting the stalls there.
Goods are sold even in the form of vegetables and household goods. In determining the selling price, the behavior of
these two merchant models is certainly different. This is caused by the sale price of renting different from one trader to
another and the levies paid by the owners of lapak to the city government of Makassar amounting to Rp 5,000 per day.
In addition, this research found the determinants of market prices in addition to the holiday or the new year the existence
of information about the increase in salaries of civil servants.

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This study aims to determine the behavior of traders who sell in traditional markets Kalimbu Makassar.The research

method used is qualitative with phenomenology approach by using the analysis of interview with some market traders as

informant of this research. The results of this study indicate the behavior of traders in the market Kalimbu divided into

two models of traders that traders who have settled for generations and traders who are just renting the stalls there.

Goods are sold even in the form of vegetables and household goods. In determining the selling price, the behavior of

these two merchant models is certainly different. This is caused by the sale price of renting different from one trader to

another and the levies paid by the owners of lapak to the city government of Makassar amounting to Rp 5,000 per day.

In addition, this research found the determinants of market prices in addition to the holiday or the new year the existence

of information about the increase in salaries of civil servants.


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