Jibria Ratna Yasir, Wahida Wahida, Ahmad Fuad Zainuddin


Latuppa stream, the most potential water supply to PDAM Palopo and irrigation to agricultural land, has
serious environmental degradation due to behavioural factors of local inhabitants in watershed area of Latuppa who
continuously exploit forest area to produce woods, housing, and plantation. Those contribute to flood and landslide in
rainy season and extreme dryness in dry season in Palopo. PDAM in municipality of Palopo encounters the most
significant impact to fluctuation of water debit in Latuppa stream that influences on the process of water production and
distribution. Therefore, protection of water management in Latuppa watershed uses Payment for Environmental Service
(PES) to minimize destructive effect of water catchment area and to fulfill pure water supply of PDAM. Based on likert
scale of mean score, to obtain data related to perception and people behavior in the headwaters area to rehabilitate water
catchment area , it is found that score 4,00 refers to the will of people in watershed area to rehabilitate water catchment
area. Estimation of economical value of water supply to PDAM using residual imputation approach shows that obtained
score of water rate is 4.230.898.496 after minus 28% of income tax. Economical contribution of its water supply is
objective consideration to decide the cost spent by PDAM to rejuvenate forest in headwaters area since it influences on
water production capacity of PDAM Palopo.

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