Lewi Lewi, Jamal Jamal


This study aims to conduct a survey of potential water power in areas that have no PLN electricity connection.
Survey is expected to be one of the reference in the development of microhydro power plant. The research was
conducted by surveying the potential of water power, to generate electricity in meeting the electricity needs of
surrounding communities. Research begins by measuring the flow rate of water (m3/s) as well as measuring the head (m),
as well as calculating the electricity needs of surrounding communities. The survey results at five locations, one
waterfall location that has a very large water potential and only used a small part to meet the needs of the community.
Moreover, flood is often occur at the location therefore it is very dangerous when PLTMH is constructed. There are also
three other waterfall locations that have the potential of water that can meet the needs of the community but most of the
water will be used for PLTMH so the development of waterfalls as a tourist resort cannot be implemented. There is one
irrigation that has potential for hydro power and capable of meeting the needs of the community but the entire irrigation
water flow will be used for the PLTMH and after being used for the PLTMH the water can be returned to the irrigation
stream. Based on the water power survey, the most suitable irrigation water flow is developed for the development of

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