Dermawan Suddin, Baso Nasrullah


In industrial applications, robot manipulator performance is expected to achieve good work such as high speed
with safe operation, improved positioning, lighter weight, and lower energy consumption.This study is devoted to the
making of a robot manipulator as a prototype by focusing on conditions of translational movement and rotation that take
place simultaneously. In this research, it will also study a vibration measuring instrument used to measure frequency and
amplitude using accelerometer ADXL 335. The data obtained will be displayed in the form of FFT frequency graph and
FFT amplitude acceleration in the software spyder. By using Fast Fourier Transform method, it can be known the
frequency of vibration that occurs in manipulator. In this study, we used a manipulator of aluminum material with a
length of 30 cm and 0.3 cm thick. From result of measurement that have been done hence obtained frequency of analysis
equal to 6,71 Hz. While the experimental frequency obtained for 6.41 Hz. In this study, the researcher will later use a
computing program that will control the movement of robots. The method used is the method of Experimental Design
and Analysis.

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