Muh. Rusdi, Muhammad Iswar


The long-term goal to be achieved in this research is how to produce cocoa-based food that is processed
directly by the cocoa farmers community. In this case, as an alternative to reduce the dependence of farmers on exporters
and maintain the stability of cocoa prices. The specific target of this research is to make small scale simple machines to
produce fine pastas of cocoa. The resulting chocolate paste serves as a base for making chocolate-based or chocolateflavored
foods. The pasta maker is designed and built by a team of researchers and students. The method used in this
research is the design and manufacture and testing of the brown chiller machine with the following stages: designing
tools, making components such as; Stone Mill, spriral stirrer, Stone Mill casing, cocoa bean input funnel and pre-made
cocoa bean paste, pasta smoothing container, and other components, subsequent stages of assembly and testing. The
pellet machine produced in this study can produce a fine brown paste equivalent to a roughness level of <20 μm.

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