Abram Tangkemanda, Tri Agus Susanto


The purpose of this research is to optimize the performance of solar water heater with the selection of flat plate
solar collector material on solar water heater system. The research is started with the design of solar water heater system
and to optimize the performance of the system then the selection of materials that can optimize system performance.
System performance testing was conducted at 08.00 until 16.00 wita, by measuring input temperature, collector output,
water temperature in the tank and also the intensity of the solar radiation. The result of measurement is used to get the
performance of solar water heater system. The collector material is a 1.2 mm thick aluminum plate and 5/8" diameter
copper pipe and 5 mm thick glass while the tank material is 1.2 mm thick aluminum. Another material is a 2 mm steel
plate for the manufacture of collector tubs and the outer layer of the tank, all parts of which can occur heat dissolution
are isolated and glued. The test results obtained the intensity of solar radiation and system efficiency tends to form a
parabolic graph of according to the changes in time. Collector input temperatures, collector output temperatures and tank
temperatures as well as system input energy and output energy tend to form linearly-shaped graphs and proportional to
time changes. The maximum efficiency of solar water heater system is 21.82% and occurs at 11.30 pm.

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