Amanda Patappari Firmansyah, Sitti Arwati


One of the most important pests in cocoa plantation that hard to control is cocoa pod borer (CPB).
Paclobutrazol could increase the amount of plant cells and it will useful for pest controlling. The aim of this research is
to know the intensity of cocoa pod borer damage after paclobutrazol application. Research started with using different
dose of paclobutrazol P0 (control), P1 (10ppm), P2 (30ppm), P3 (50ppm), and P4 (70ppm). To evaluated the effect of
paclobutrazol of to cocoa pod borer with counting the entry holes and exit holes of larvae and then analyze with
Randomized Blog Design. Result showed the lowest entry holes of CPB larvae in treatment P4 is 32.7 tail, followed by
treatment of P3 equal to 35.24 tail, P2 equal to 42.64 tail, P1 equal to 46.76 tail and P0 or control equal to 53.64 tail,
while the lowest exit holes in treatment P4 of 20.92 tail, P3 of 27.78 tail, P2 of 32.72 tail, P1 of 42.44 tail and control of
49.34 tail.

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