Irka Tangke Datu, Jabair Jabair, Ashari Ibrahim


This study aims to investigate the effect of cement storage age on compressive strength of high strength
concrete. This research was conducted by making concrete cylinder specimens of 10 cm in diameter, 20 cm in high as
much as 70 samples with concrete strength target of 50 MPa using cement that placed in standard storage condition and
nonstandard storage condition. After cement were kept in the certain age with 0 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks and
16 weeks, concrete specimens were casted, then cured in water during 28 days, further them were tested in compressive
strength. The results showed that compressive strength of concrete specimens decreased according to duration of cement
storage in both of cement storage condition, in standard storage and nonstandard storage. The decrease in compressive
strength of the concrete is strongly influenced by the age of cement storage and it is not significantly affected by cement
storage condition. The maximum of cement storage age can be used as cement in mixed concrete is 4 weeks.

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