Muhammad Idris, Hasriana Hasriana


Mortar is one of the building materials used in non-structural work by using cement, sand and water. During
this time mortar is still using cement as the main bonding material. Therefore, an alternative ikat material is needed to
reduce the dependence of cement use. Alternative binding materials used in this study is the residual coal combustion of
fly ash. Fly ash is a material that has a small grain size, round, not porous and is pozzolanik. Cement production
produces significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting in an agreenhouse gas effect. 65% of global warming
(Global Warming) is caused by CO2 emissions, about 6% coming from the cement industry (the production of one ton
of portlan cement emits about one ton of CO2 into the atmosphere.The addition of fly ash to the mortar mixture is
pozzolan, good mineral additive for mortar Pozzolan is a material containing silica or silica and aluminum which reacts
chemically with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperature to form cementitious compounds. This research aims to
know the effect of fly ash utilization as partial replacement of cement with setting time , consistency , and compressive
strength of mortar The cube-shaped specimen measures 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm, the composition of the mixture with
fly ash as a substitute for PCC cement by 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% Comparison of cement and sand used is 1: 3. Testing
of mortar compressive strength at age 3, 7, 14, 28, and 90 days .. The results showed that the higher the percentage of fly
ash content used, the higher the mortar consistency value. For setting time, the higher the addition of fly ash, the initial
setting time and the final setting time are slower. Strong strength tends to increase with the use of fly ash, especially at
the age of 28 days and 90 days.

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