Paulis Ala, Herman Arruan


Construction of construction in Civil Engineering nowadays is special in the field of transportation and water more and
more use of concrete. In the field of concrete construction on road and drainage works, one of the expected concrete is
the lightweight concrete but the expected compressive strength as required. This study aims to determine the properties
of Styrofoam as a substitute for rough aggregates and to determine the weight of the resulting volume and compressive
strength of concrete to obtain the composition of the material in the ratio of volume 1 Pc: 2 Sand: 3 Styrofoam and 1 Pc:
1.5 Sand: 2, 5 Styrofoam by making Ø15-30 cm cylindrical test specimen for volume weight and compressive strength
of characteristic.The result of the research will show the characteristic characteristic of Styrofoam as substitute of rough
aggregate not qualified because the weight of Styrofoam volume is 0,01 kg / ltr, density 1,24, absorption 0,13% except
modulus of fineness fulfill requirement that is 7,21. Volume weight obtained for composition 1 Pc: 2 Sand: 3 Styrofoam
is 1324,91 kg / m3 and composition 1 Pc: 1,5 Sand: 2.5 Styrofoam is 1330,94 kg / m3, while compressive strength of
characteristic for composition 1 Pc: 2 Sand: 3 Styrofoam 33.02 kg / cm2 and composition 1 Pc: 1,5 Sand: 2.5 Styrofoam
is 39.04 kg / cm2 included in the classification of quality concrete B0 (<100 kg / cm2). Keywords Styrofoam, coarse
aggregate, lightweight concrete and compressive strength.

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