Every construction project is always faced with the possibility of various risks. The higher the complexity levelof a project the greater the level of risk borne by the construction project. These risks have a major impact on thesuccess of a construction project. However, there are no specific studies to explain how risk factors influence thesuccess of a construction project. This study aims to determine what risks have significant effect on the success of theproject by performing risk modeling and implementing the results of the risk-causing model of project success. Researchon risk factors for project success. The research on risk factors for the success of this construction project wasundertaken in North Morowali District by distributing questionnaires aimed at contractors, supervisors, consultants,commitment-making officers, who were seen directly in a road construction project. Furthermore, all the collectedquestionnaires were analyzed statistically by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. From the analysis it isfound that the risk factors that determine the success of a road construction project are: project success risk, humanresource risk, design risk, material risk, and equipment risk where construction risk affects the same value to the successof the construction project. However, the risk factor that influences the success of a construction project is the risk ofdesign.References
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