Ayu Natasha Lamboka, Fahira F, Nirmalawati Nirmalawati


Roads is one of the most important infrastructure for boosting the level of economic in a region. Priority for
roads handling is a must for the effective and efficient regards to limited funds. Roads handling priority as the
foundation for decision making for the leader must build from the model with high accuracy. The aim for this research
is for implementing the FAHP α-cut based for roads handling priority and discover the priority of roads in the provincial
roads in Sigi region. This method is use because of the ability of Fuzzy for handling the vague of words from the
respondent. The respondent for this research are familiar with the roads handling priority. Questionnairre method use
for have the respondent opinion about the criteria of roads handling priority. FAHP method use for have the mean value
(weight) of the criterion. TOPSIS method then use for uncover the list of roads priority. The result for this research that
LHR is the most influence criterion for this research.

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