Zulvyah Faisal, Aksan Djamal


Erosion is a process washout ground by the force of water and wind, both of which occur naturally or as a result
of human actions or deeds. This study aims to determine the relationship between variations in the intensity of rainfall
and slope of the erosion rate of the surface and find out how much the rate of surface erosion that occurs in laboratory
scale with a particular treatment. This study was conducted with the aid of artificial rainfall simulations (rainfall
simulator). Factors erosivitas rain is the result of the multiplication between the kinetic energy (E) of a rain event with a
maximum 30-minute rainfallintensity(I30). The results showed that the effect of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on
soil erosion is directly proportional. Large erosion rate based treatment in the laboratory by successive intensity I84, I155,
dan I198 without vegetation and 10 ° slope is 268 gr/m²/hour, 405 gr/m²/ hour dan 565 gr/m²/ hour. At 20 ° slope,
successive intensity I84, I155, dan I198 large amount of erosion that occurs is 480,55 gr/m²/ hour, 882,06 gr/m²/ hour dan
1091,73 gr/m²/ hour. Then the slope of 30 ° due to the increase in intensity of successive I84, I155, dan I198 erosion of
131.287 grams, 856.395 and 1851.360 grams grams. At a slope of 20 ° at rain intensity of 84 mm / hr, 155 mm / hr and
198 mm / hr obtained 66.04 g / m² / hr, 126.09 g / m² / hr and 164.12 g / m² / hr and at The slope of 30 ° for rain
intensity 84 mm/hr, 155 mm / hr and 198 mm / hr was 131.34 gr / m² / hr, 280.14 gr / m²/ hr and 448.93 gr/m/ hr.

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