Sri Wahyuni Ramadhan, Syamsul Arifin, Made Oka


Outputs that need to be known in designing AC WC flexible pavement construction is how long the infrastructure
can provide services based on the quality and accumulation of the available load, in other word during the service period
it is expected that there will be no significant damage to the construction. According to the World Bank terminology that
the "pavement age" is the service life up to the initiation of a fine crack on the pavement surface, while "pavement life" is
the service period at the time of occuration of 50% cracks. The modulus of elasticity of asphalt mixture, value of each of
pavement layer strength coofficient material, bearing capacity of the subgrade and design of annual accumulation data of
8.16 tons standard axle load is essential to predict pavement age and pavement life of construction with HDM III method
provided by the World Bank. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of traffic accumulation, effective
gravity weight of aggregate fraction mixture (Gse) and mixed asphalt content to the pavement age and pavement life of
flexible pavement construction. The largest and smallest of design life, both in pavement age and in pavement life, occur
in Gse and asphalt content level of 2,738 and 6,5% respectively. The longest and shortest time of achievement of the
pavement age are 4.64 and 4.10 years respectively. While the longest and shortest period of achievement pavement life
respectively 10.64 and 10.10 years.

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