Swastanti Brotowati, Pirman Pirman


Coal from Mallawa village, Bone-Pangkep Regency of South Sulawesi included in young coal rank, with content of :
2.64% moisture, 46.16% of volatile matter, 15.26% ash, 35.96% fixed carbon, 1.73% sulfur and heat value of 5190
kcal / kgram this coal includes subbituminous coal category. This coal will be upgrade to be bituminous rank coal
through desulfurization and demineralization process and continued with carbonization process. The desulfurization
process using 20% HCl solution aims to reduce sulfur content, demineralization process using 20% NaOH solution to
decrease the ash content and carbonization process aims to reduce the content of volatile matter and to increase fixed
carbon content . Coal of subbituminus from Mallawa can be processed into coal bituminous, with desulfurization
process can reduce sulfur content from 1.73% to 0.365%, while in demineralization process can decrease ash content
from 15.26% to 9.98% and carbonization process at 500 oC with time for 240 minutes can be reduce of volatile matter
46.16% to 13.08%, while water content decreased from 2.64% to 1.16%, carbon content increase from 35.96%, to
85.67%, and the heat value increased from 5190 kcal / kgram become 7931,69 kkal / kgram. Coal with the content as
above can be categorized coal type bituminus or coking coal can be utilized as raw material of cokes.
Keyword : desulfurization ,demineralization, carbonization , coking coal

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