Octovianus SR Pasanda, Abdul Azis


One of the potential marine biota of Indonesian waters is a macro algae or known in seaweed trade. Makroalga
includes red, green, and brown algae and is commonly referred to as seaweed. Brown seaweed has a pigment that gives
brown color and can produce algin or alginate, laminarin, cellulose, ficoidin and manitol whose composition is highly
dependent on species, development period and place of growth The main component of algae is carbohydrate while
other components are protein, fat, ash (sodium and potassium) and water 80-90%. The purpose of this research is to
know the quality of alginate include alginate rendamen, moisture content, ash content, and viscosity. Conventional
extraction method from brown algae into sodium alginat produces the highest yield percentage of 36.63%, resulting
from the extraction for 7 hours at 70°C Tthe average water content of 12.36 - 13.03%, the mean ash content of 26,13 -
33.96%, and the viscosity ranged between 18,6 – 20,1 Cp.

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