Fajriyati Mas’ud


Rice bran oil extracted by multistages with n-hexane (stage I) followed by ethanol (stage II) to extract the
maximum of oil, γ-oryzanol and vitamin E. In the first stage, the temperatures were 30, 35, to 65oC, the time were 3 to 7
h, the amount of solvent were 1:3 to 1:9. In stage II, the temperatures were 50, 55, up to 65oC, the time were 3 to 7 h, the
amount of solvent were 1:3 to 1:9. The best treatment selection indicator is the highest oil yield. The best treatment at
the first stage were 55oC for 5 h with the amount of solvent 525 mL, the condition were obtained oil 7.53%, 192 mg/L
γ-oryzanol and 63,1 mg/L vitamin E, and the best treatment at stage II were 60oC for 5 h with the amount of solvent 300
mL (1: 6), oil was 5.36% and γ-oryzanol was 900 mg/L.

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