Bakhtiar Bakhtiar, Tadjuddin Tadjuddin


The peak load is due to the electric power consumption in Indonesia in general is the dominance of household
customers, who at the same time use electricity for lighting, watching TV, the use of air conditioning, cooking and other
activities. From the daily load curve of PT. PLN shows a large trend of difference between the lowest load and the peak
phase, meaning that at certain hours or outside the peak load time the plant is not operating and when peak load is
operated. Therefore, investment cost is needed for the provision of power plant only to serve the peak load. To minimize
the use of electrical energy generated by PT. PLN at peak load time is needed replacement energy source, and in this
research is designed and implemented solar cell utilization to change source PT. PLN at peak load time for power
installed 900 VA. This research is a research development that has been done the previous year, that is the development
of transfer control from PLN to PLTS at 17.00 and transfer from PLTS to PLN at 22.00 hours. The part that developed
in this research is the source of supply for control using 2 source that is from PLN and PLTS, so that manual and
automatic control is not disturbed if one source off or disturb system. In addition to the development of controls also
developed capacity PLTS system to be optimized its use at peak load time. By that it is necessary to use electrical
energy at peak load time, the measurement results for a week obtained 2800 Wh which is the highest usage and this
becomes the basis for designing the PLTS to be used. The installed panel capacity can supply loads at peak load times of
50.82% and the capacity of the electric storage battery can supply the load at the peak load time of 82.30%.

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