Sulwan Dase, Irawati Razak


This study aims to design and manufacture rectangular microstrip slot antenna for Long Term Evolution (LTE) network
applications. Technical requirements LTE technology for 800 MHz, requires a frequency bandwidth of 70 MHz to be
able to transmit data up to 100 MBps. In this study, LTE antennas are designed to operate on 800 MHz frequency bands.
The approach model uses the transmission line model (TLM). It is expected to obtain a minimum frequency bandwidth
of 70 MHz (uplink/downlink), with bidirectional radiation pattern and a minimum Gain of 5 dBi. The result of antenna
characteristic measurement is obtained bandwidth 100 MHz (800 - 900 MHz) measured at SWR 1,5. Antenna gain is 8
dBi with bidirectional radiation pattern (forward-backward). Electrical field polarization is vertical.

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