Tadjuddin Tadjuddin, Bakhtiar Bakhtiar


The grid-rod system has been widely used in grounding substation, while the grid unequally spaced known in the 90s .
This reseach aims to determine the mesh voltage of both systems when there is ground fault. In addition to determining
the length of the required electrode at the same mesh voltage. In this research used secondary data that the soil
resistivity 37.5 ohm-m, and the substation has a size 42m x 40m . This data is obtained at the unit induk pembangunan
xiii Makassar. Calculations are done by simple regression and the results are analized by quantitative and qualitative
method. (5)The result of the research concluded that : i). the grid-rod system obtained 455.4 volt mesh voltage and 1232
meter electrode length with 6 meter parallel conductor spacing, ii). For the grid unequally spaced obtained mesh voltage
463 volt, With a 656 m length electrode. iii). When the unequally spaced grid is used, an electrode saving of 45 % is
obtained at the same level security, when using a grid-rod system.

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