Anwar Mazmur, Makmur Saini


Bawasalo Village, Sigeri Subdistrict, South Sulawesi Province is geographically located on the coast with the
main livelihoods of its people as freshwater fish aquaculture fishermen or catching and selling fish. The main
problem faced by fishermen and fish entrepreneurs, because fish are a commodity that is rapidly declining
quality or rot that can only last a maximum of 5 hours and even faster at room temperature. The lack of
knowledge about the use of fish waste and the absence of application of technology in fish waste
management. This is why fish waste is only disposed of at sea or sold to collectors at a low price. Even though
fish waste can be processed into fish flour which is very good as additional nutrition for livestock and fish
feed. Based on the analysis of the situation, some of the problems faced by the business group can be
described, namely: Utilization of fish is still limited as a product to be marketed directly (fresh fish), there is
no knowledge of how to use leftover fish so that it is only disposed of and becomes a disturbing waste, there is
no adequate tools for processing fish waste into useful processed products, especially for fish meal and fish
feed, the need for business development to increase their income besides fishing for fish. Especially when sea
conditions are not possible, fishermen cannot go to sea and do not earn income, do not understand business
management and bookkeeping. Besides, fishermen and fish entrepreneurs are still dependent on factory-made
feed, so farmers / fishermen must provide sufficient funds to animal feed costs. As we know that the price of
factory production feed is increasingly expensive. The purpose of this PKM activity is the application of a fish
waste grinding machine into fish meal at UKM Partners. The method of solving the problem offered is to
introduce and demonstrate the fish meal grinding machine that drives an electric motor with the following
steps. Conduct cooperation with related institutions of the Regional Government of Pangkep Regency
especially the Industry and Trade Office of Pangkep Regency and the Head of Bawasalo Village, Sigeri
District in the framework of family development fish farmers / fishermen. Conduct extension activities by
introducing appropriate technology to fish meal grinding machines that are driven by electric motors. Hold
demonstrations / demonstrations and train partners to make and assemble high-quality, high-quality fish meal
grinding machines.

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