development of electricity continues to increase from year to year so that an electricity supply is available that can meet customer needs. The causes of disturbances in the PHBTR include excessive loads, broken NH fuses and damaged NH base fuses where these disturbances cannot be avoided and cannot be predicted when they will occur. Therefore, the aim of this research is to create a monitoring tool and compare the measurement results with a measuring tool that can provide early warning to officers about the load, voltage and temperature conditions that are occurring on the PHB-TR in real-time using the PZEM004T sensor and other sensors. IoT based DHT22. This tool uses a sensor that is installed directly on the 3 phase and measures voltage, current, temperature and humidity around the PHBTR, the data sampled by the sensor will be read and sent to the blynk application and if dropVoltage and overVoltage occur then the ESP8266 will immediately send a notification to the blynk application with a limit which has been specified.Referensi
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